Menthol Liquid (FW)

Flavor West

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Menthol Liquid (FW)
Natural menthol flavor is smooth, cool fresh menthol flavor; it is a pure natural flavor that gives you a refreshing taste in your mouth. Its vegan, diabetic friendly, gluten free and no calories! No artificial sweeteners.

DIY Flavor Concentrates Flavor West
Menthol Liquid (FW)

Menthol Liquid (FW) Specifications

Base Type:
Specific Gravity:
Refractive Index:
Flash Point:
Butyric Acid:
Suggested Stand Alone Percent:
Suggested Mix Percent:
Suggested Pairings:
Shipping Restrictions:
Flavor Specification Sheet

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Menthol Liquid (FW) Spec Sheet
Certificate of Analysis

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Menthol Liquid (FW) COA

Menthol Liquid (FW) Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

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  • 4
    Review of FlavorWest Menthol Liquid

    Posted by a customer from May 2021 on 31st Jul 2021

    This is a very solid menthol flavor. Can't go wrong with it. Smells exactly like peppermint should, and it is perfectly usable in all recipes that call for a minty taste. The only (slight) problem with it is that it is not strong enough, and therefore not worth the 5 stars. If you want that over-the-top burning-your-throat menthol experience that you get from throat losenges or breath spray, you will have to use a lot of this menthol. Or perhaps purchase a flavouring with a stronger concentration. But if your goal is to only add menthol as a background note to your e-juice, this one is perfect for the job.

  • 5

    Posted by Paul Wilson on 8th Nov 2019

    Mixes well with everything